Round 13's Battles (24 September - 1 October)
Here are the results from last week's battles.
Primera Division
Battle 856:
Sellyme typed 2,640,000 keys and WiiPlayer113 typed 2,425,151 keys.
Sellyme wins by 214,849 keys!
Battle 857:
Live2Die typed 0 keys and 09Kisame09 typed 200,000 keys.
09Kisame09 wins by 200,000 keys!
Battle 858:
SilentSand typed 207,827 keys and Inquisitor911 typed 0 keys.
SilentSand wins by 207,827 keys!
Battle 859:
Badgy_McBadger typed 0 keys and IAmTheCandyman typed 49,210 keys.
IAmTheCandyMan wins by 49,210 keys!
Battle 860:
aaaaaa123456789 typed 1,218,948 keys and Carbon typed 0 keys.
aaaaaa123456789 wins by 1,218,948 keys!
Battle 861:
Yotoovimestari typed 94,813 keys and Cj10203040 typed 8,270 keys.
Yotoovimestari wins by 86,543 keys!
Battle 862:
tetrismaster typed 0 keys and Jaume typed 0 keys.
It's a draw!
Battle 863:
Jazzaboy typed 0 keys and hippyman27 typed 90,924 keys.
hippyman27 wins by 90,924 keys!
Battle 864:
PinkFloyd typed 0 keys and Vegard20 typed 135,315 keys.
Vegard20 wins by 135,315 keys!
Segunda Division
Battle 865
racefan12 typed 106,262 keys and Mysterymason typed 57,783 keys.
racefan12 wins by 48,479 keys!
Battle 866:
MicroGamer15 typed 106,886 keys and Sindacious typed 386,477 keys.
Sindacious wins by 279,591 keys!
Battle 867:
oOTrentOo typed 114,427 keys and ouchjars typed 0 keys.
oOTrentOo wins by 114,427 keys.
Battle 868:
RoSi_xD typed 95,806 keys and michael222 typed 11,533 keys.
RoSi_xD wins by 84,273 keys.
Battle 869:
SlateFx typed 91,718 keys and Kranix typed 112,510 keys.
Kranix wins by 20,792 keys!
Battle 870:
wasted typed 484 keys and hilaryam89 typed 42,748 keys.
hilaryam89 wins by 42,264 keys!
Battle 871:
gra0004 typed 26,379 keys and BlackBone typed 73,567 keys.BlackBone wins by 47,188 keys.
Battle 872:
MelbourneBoy typed 0 keys and X-Kal typed 28,000 keys.
X-Kal wins by 28,000 keys!
Battle 873:
Glomple typed 18,571 keys and elsx typed 0 keys.
Glomple wins by 18,571 keys!
Battle 874:
Darkir typed 77,619 keys and EliwoodX typed 0 keys.
Darkir wins by 77,619 keys!
Round 15's battles (8 October - 15 October)
Here are the typers that will be facing each other in this round. Good luck!
Primera Division
Battle 875:
Battle 876:
Battle 877:
Battle 878:
Battle 879:
Battle 880:
Battle 881:
Battle 882:
Battle 883:
Segunda Division
Battle 884:
Battle 885:
Battle 886:
Battle 887:
Battle 888:
Battle 889:
Battle 890:
Battle 891:
Battle 892:
Battle 893:
League Standings (8 October)
Primera Division
Segunda Division
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