Anyway, to start off we'll have the last fortnight of milestones:
2010-06-02 Kongregate 800,000,000
2010-06-13 Bephwyn 3,000,000
2010-06-13 AijouEnroi 1,000,000
2010-06-13 SoundFXMan 250,000
2010-06-13 HayatoS 1,000,000
2010-06-13 Jazzaboy 150,000
2010-06-13 Vanja77 750,000
2010-06-13 an_alien 400,000
2010-06-13 Diametraphine 1,000
2010-06-12 SecretofMana 3,000,000
2010-06-12 Looper 1,000,000
2010-06-12 TomDot 1,500,000
2010-06-12 Halff 700,000
2010-06-12 Makilio 40,000
2010-06-12 ewqaewqa 250,000
2010-06-12 WiiPlayer113 1,300,000
2010-06-12 detroitx 200,000
2010-06-12 Tyler1012 150,000
2010-06-12 Timewarp42 40,000
2010-06-12 ArchSlayer100 800,000
2010-06-12 Aprille 1,900,000
2010-06-12 Sheepie XD 800,000
2010-06-12 JohnRulz 80,000
2010-06-12 Payton_Hayes 150,000
2010-06-12 Dragoneye904 150,000
2010-06-11 Kristian Lolhaha 2,000,000
2010-06-11 Sukasai 6,000,000
2010-06-11 iMonkey 1,000,000
2010-06-11 CCM333 450,000
2010-06-11 Sarsy 550,000
2010-06-11 Windextor 350,000
2010-06-11 IlavDralgoner 500,000
2010-06-11 FlashBeast 50,000
2010-06-11 PlatinumIce 700,000
2010-06-11 SavageWolf 600,000
2010-06-11 burritokong 200
2010-06-11 LethalMutiny 1,000,000
2010-06-11 ThePilch 1,900,000
2010-06-11 MrBr3tt 10,000
2010-06-11 Slayden_Hook 30,000
2010-06-10 sellyme 7,500,000
2010-06-10 evilducks 10,000,000
2010-06-10 hippyman27 2,000,000
2010-06-10 JaumeBG :) 2,000,000
2010-06-10 Agent_86 4,000,000
2010-06-10 Deathreape 700,000
2010-06-10 MrFluffums 1,600,000
2010-06-10 pludrpladr 300,000
2010-06-09 notverygood 5,000,000
2010-06-09 Lanthus 200,000
2010-06-09 jandel122 550,000
2010-06-09 DoctorMarmalade 1,000,000
2010-06-09 CaptainDDL 200,000
2010-06-09 Reyali 1,600,000
2010-06-09 PR2_STORY 1,000,000
2010-06-08 1a2b3c97 550,000
2010-06-08 storageheater 1,900,000
2010-06-08 Seth161991 350,000
2010-06-08 babyclaws 150,000
2010-06-08 Jeopardize 1,300,000
2010-06-08 Linnox 600,000
2010-06-08 Chippy01 8,000,000
2010-06-08 Xestrix 3,000,000
2010-06-08 Matoking 1,500,000
2010-06-07 yellowrubberduck 450,000
2010-06-07 Cathels 150,000
2010-06-07 Theoria 2,000,000
2010-06-07 LucasBurgel 2,000,000
2010-06-07 Xyz702 950,000
2010-06-07 Beccala 3,500,000
2010-06-06 viper11475 1,300,000
2010-06-06 Smookyolo :D 10,000,000
2010-06-06 UnknownGuardian 2,000,000
2010-06-06 intreker05 1,700,000
2010-06-05 123aaa789 2,500,000
2010-06-05 BlackBone 1,200,000
2010-06-05 Gryljams 1,500,000
2010-06-05 Inquizitor 9,500,000
2010-06-05 hokage4354 4,000,000
2010-06-05 ILikeGames 950,000
2010-06-05 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 3,000,000
2010-06-05 Khnum666 1,900,000
2010-06-04 Ducklette 6,500,000
2010-06-04 SirenSong 1,700,000
2010-06-04 Thysiazo 2,500,000
2010-06-03 Juze 5,500,000
2010-06-03 gab rid 2,000,000
2010-06-03 Farrhago 3,000,000
2010-06-03 fossil98 800,000
2010-06-02 Gevock 1,800,000
2010-06-02 Jay Remie 2,500,000
2010-06-02 Countenance 350,000
2010-06-02 HappyAlcoholic 6,500,000
2010-06-02 Keckers 3,000,000
2010-06-01 Fortray 10,000,000
2010-06-01 shadow29live 200,000
2010-06-01 Sinapi 10,000,000
2010-06-01 Koophuis 50,000
2010-06-01 Junkle430 7,000
2010-06-01 TinzTheCan 2,500,000
2010-06-01 denisol 1,100,000
Pretty damn impressive ain't it? Well, just shows how much of a growing team we are. Now I'd like to welcome our newest victi- Uh, recruits. In this month these users and their keycounts have joined us!
Diametraphine (1,695)
Hobelbruder (1)
Vanja77 (774,719)
burritokong (209)
FlashBeast (7,635)
Slayden_Hook (7,181)
Makilio (2,140)
Inquizitor (9,553,855) (Joined from "SpreadFirefox")
Jazzaboy (11,823)
Timewarp42 (929)
fossil98 (841,864)
Junkle430 (0)
Welcome one and all! Now let's look at how the Kong team is benefitting from all of this. We're the red, SkirmishLeague is green and PornBits is blue.
Now that seems pretty cool. But you haven't seen the half of it yet! This is all for today (maybe) as I want to keep the best ones until next week.