19 April 2010

Top 50 players stats

As sellyme wasn't able to do the player stats update today, I did them for him.

1: Mr. Bean 51,070,730 (+0)
2: Nab =P (F) 49,343,098 (+129,252)
3: CiF 29,122,098 (+0)
4: TatharNuar 25,012,889 (+800)
5: Kyru 22,933,969 (+0)
6: D.J. 22,773,385 (+0)
7: Rivian 20,558,754 (+100,000)
8: Sylicas (M) 12,587,943 (+0)
9: Sylencia 12,400,000 (+0)
10: Travuersa 10,858,533 (+5,000)
11: mupet0000 10,634,831 (+115,576)
12: aenh 10,284,262 (+151,797)
13: x_Pyro_x 9,636,940 (+514,690)
14: Fortray 9,258,983 (+9,258,983) (▲286)
15: neotype 8,420,817 (+0) (▼1)
16: schlefty 8,357,139 (+0) (▼1)
17: Dragily 8,006,063 (+0) (▼1)
18: Phoexo 7,744,567 (+9,664) (▼1)
19: Pereking 7,295,307 (+16,343) (▼1)
20: evilducks 7,230,459 (+486,567) (▲2)
21: Smookyolo :D 7,109,321 (+106,191) (▼1)
22: ItBeNickYo 7,065,418 (+0) (▼3)
23: Sinapi 6,968,395 (+0) (▼2)
24: squall7775 6,851,375 (+658,684) (▲1)
25: Phoenix00017 6,840,531 (+213,351) (▼2)
26: Chippy01 6,593,655 (+0) (▼2)
27: Cryptosporidian 6,429,346 (+845,724) (▲2)
28: sellyme 6,321,314 (+440,000) (▼2)
29: BGoldTLE 5,691,624 (+0) (▼2)
30: Colin 5,641,060 (+35,616) (▼2)
31: DeadlyMan 5,487,287 (+0) (▼2)
32: Nick19038 5,434,444 (+21,682) (▼2)
33: indie88 5,038,638 (+0)
34: Juze 4,989,175 (+0)
35: HappyAlcoholic 4,870,815 (+0)
36: Sukasai 4,765,572 (+385,617) (▲2)
37: AntB 4,674,292 (+0) (▼1)
38: Ducklette 4,516,004 (+360,094) (▲2)
39: Fushinryu 4,485,910 (+0) (▼3)
40: Sp3000 4,418,240 (+0) (▼2)
41: Jabor 4,328,637 (+0) (▼2)
42: 16belowzero 3,957,117 (+0) (▼1)
43: SevereFlame 3,706,813 (+0) (▼1)
44: AlisonClaire 3,703,652 (+373,317) (▲1)
45: Sten123 3,689,668 (+50,293)
46: Dazzer 3,601,368 (+0)
47: ImmortalItalian 3,253,112 (+146,739) (▲2)
48: Cj10203040 3,187,710 (+103,346) (▲1)
49: resterman 3,092,523 (+260,582) (▲1)
50: hokage4354 3,020,607 (+0) (▼2)
61: notverygood 2,609,928 (+133,825) (▼1)
114: JaumeBG :) 1,376,000 (+43,292) (▼2)
117: Momma-Kong 1,345,000 (+0) (▼6)

Yeah, I must agree with sellyme, this is quite tiring, but I didn't spend over 4 hours on this, I did this in a bit more than 1 hour. And I would've done the top 75, but there wasn't any rank difference available.

Enjoy the stats!
More awesome stats here.


  1. SuperJaume to the rescue!
    *heroic music*

  2. Well, it is 4 hours when you're still chatting in Kong, replying in the forums, and being all around awesome :P
