18 November 2009

Yeah, it's that time of the day again. Well, here goes. I'll start with the pulse of the day, as it seems that that is the shotest section.

Kongratulations Sylicas, for racking up a 213,865 key pulse, over the last 28 days. Also, I'm quite sorry for Kyru as I somehow confused him and x_Pyro_x in the cookie leaderboard. It's been fixed now though.

sellyme: 1
Kyru: 1
Rivian: 1
Sylicas: 1

Now, the people who have pulsed since yesterdays post. There are 21, along with 2 newbies, so basically the same as yesterday.

Moebert 15,412
x_Pyro_x 7,367,045
sellyme 1,666,075
Sasms 761,533
dasmitimsad 610,000
Sylicas (M) 12,292,006
evilducks (N) 15,953
World_Domination (N) 2,713
Sten123 1,708,309
neotype 7,342,851
hokage4354 202,506
hiperson134 40,850
Aiglet1 138,649
aenh 7,163,140
Moony 24,899
LiveeEevil 55,916
IAmTheCandyman 249,409
Nab =P (F) 45,110,457
Keckers 79,093
notverygood 31,119
Feith 44,122

Well, looking at all of those under 250k key counts makes me think... The amount of new players is astonishing. 3 weeks ago there were 80 or so people. Now there are 108. Oh well. I would also like to mention Nabb, who encountered a glitch and managed to send 6 lots of 10k keys within 10 seconds. This provided a 14000 kps pulse at one point. It has also happened to me, with me sending 2 15k pulses at once. More on this later.

Anyway, team stats. Well, we aren't going up as much as I hoped, but all looks good. Note: These stats may not necessarily match the user stats, as I get a live feed, and between then and now someone may have pulsed.

Name: Kongregate
Users: 108 (+2)
Keys: 295,931,150 (+772,567)
Clicks: 86,613,786 (+237,869)
Miles: 5909.36 (+29.16)
Position: 158

We are only 60k away from position #157, and I am going to send 50k today so things are looking good. Anyway, I'll post as soon as we hit #157 (provided I'm awake) for an update, but I won't give the full stats until tomorrow. Anyway, see you then!

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